Economic actors have been reluctantly dragged into a serious rollercoaster ride over the past years. The successive, often overlapping, and mutually reinforcing series of crises, along with the necessary market rearrangements, have brought constant turbulence both globally and locally. Following the supportive labour market environment of the 2010s (increasing employment, launching major investments, new types of employment), domestic HR service providers also had to respond to new challenges. Few companies were truly able to achieve significant development.
The most dynamic growth phase of Work Force’s twenty-year history began during this turbulent period, involving the development of both business size and service portfolio. The company gradually built the necessary foundations over two decades, which later proved crucial: it diversified its partner network across industries, company sizes, and different corporate cultures, connected with its clients through multiple services, and placed significant emphasis on operating with nationwide coverage capable of addressing Hungarian workforce needs.
4.7%: Hungarian unemployment rose only to such „heights” due to the impact of COVID shock, indicating that economic restructuring compelled the labour market more toward structural changes than crisis reactions. The role of employment forms previously considered secondary – such as rehabilitation or student employment, or even short-term temporary staffing with the possibility of taking over employees – gradually strengthened.
Expanding employment opportunities for third-country nationals, with necessary and professional support, introduced a beneficial construct into the economy, ranging from neighbouring countries to the current, predominantly Far Eastern focus. Work Force was among the first to obtain the qualified temporary staffing agency certification, boasting extensive practical experience and references due to successful collaborations with workers of various nationalities.
Today, the domestic labour reserve is estimated at 300,000 people, significantly appreciated due to the support programmes and economic policy strategies, as well as the challenging-to-plan economic environment. However, reaching out to them often requires established – often personal – recruitment and selection channels developed over decades, systems that companies solely specialized in employing third-country nationals cannot achieve in the short term. As part of its strategy, Work Force has therefore placed special emphasis on providing Hungarian workforce in recent years, thus, the statutory changes in headcount and the Hungarian-foreign placement ratio pose no challenge to the company, and partners need not worry about service interruptions.
However, decades-long, stable professional foundations alone are not sufficient in an extremely competitive service market. Innovative thinking has provided significant business advantages in recent years, and its role will continue to strengthen in the coming period. Companies and business decision-makers increasingly expect comprehensive, complex services and advisory support in their preparation and implementation. Proactively, Work Force prioritizes innovation and development both in its service portfolio and within its organization, simultaneously embracing new technologies and building corporate knowledge by attracting new professionals. The arrival of new experts from various fields to the company’s management and operational leadership clearly aims at continuously increasing customer experience and satisfaction.
The company’s biggest task for the future is to serve a broader range of companies operating in Hungary and those intending to invest here with its integrated solutions and local presence. As recently reformulated in its vision: „We are building the labour market of the future for a successfully functioning economy.”
Gergely Gáspár
Head of Sales and Marketing